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Upcoming Workshop August 14th: Grief & Praise in Times of Climate Catastrophe

Emily Coralyne

“Grief expressed out loud for someone we have lost, or a country or home we have lost, is in itself the greatest praise we could ever give them. Grief is praise, because it is the natural way love honors what it misses.” - Martin Prechtel When: August 12th (10am PST/1pm EST/6pm GMT/7pm CEST/8pm ISR/PAL) Where: Zoom link will be emailed to participants day or two before event. Register here:

Workshop limited to 25 participants.

Grief & Praise is a two hour 'mini-spiral' of the Work That Reconnects, where we will touch on foundational aspects of the work, moving around the spiral, and focusing on honoring our pain as a response to climate change. The flip side of grief, despair and mourning, is deep love. So if you feel a sense of despair about the current situation of complexity, destruction, confusion, and irreversible damage, this space is for you.

We mourn the things we love that are no longer with us. From species, forests, natural waterways, and community knowledge. As beings that belong to this planet, we can sense the natural systems we are a part of and that these systems are not well. That our more than human community that we are so often in awe and celebration of, needs our awareness and action. If you love, celebrate, cherish the natural, non-human world, please join us. We see that in experiencing climate grief we are often disconnected from ourselves, our communities, and the land. We don’t have the space we need to name and move through our natural responses to what is happening to the immense loss we are experiencing on our planet. We often ignore, numb, push through, and disconnect in order to avoid the heartbreak of the destruction we face. And we know that we need community to face the bigness of this problem so we can process the pain of losing what we love about this world and continue taking action from a grounded place. This is a 2 hour mini-spiral of The Work That Reconnects, where we will cultivate gratitude, honor our pain for the world through ritual, perceive in new and ancient ways, and go forth into authentic action. This is for you if you: - Long to be in a growing community with others who are experiencing climate grief - Want to be processing your grief so you can reconnect to yourself, your people, other beings, and the land - See that the denial or despair that you are sitting in has held you back from contributing to a life-giving future You will: - Learn about the spiral of the Work That Reconnects (gratitude, honoring our pain for the world, perceiving in new and ancient ways, and going forth) as a foundational series of rituals for preparing to taking grounded action - Experience a group ritual and receive ideas for daily practices to continue feeling and/or taking action in your community - Develop the ability to name your grief for what it is as a natural and necessary response to living through climate chaos At the end of the workshop, we will share upcoming opportunities for you to have access to a community of support, a doc with resources we shared during our time together, and hopefully, a sense that we are together to support a life-sustaining future. . . . **This workshop is based on a sliding scale** $50 if you're financially abundant $30 if you're financially stable $10 if you're making ends meet No Cost Option for folx who need it

Please Venmo Natalie @natalierosedavenport to confirm your registration. Contact Natalie for more information or to request accessibility accommodations at This workshop is co-facilitated by Emily Coralyne & Natalie Davenport. To learn more about them, visit and


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